How to Find New Friends in Your Student Accommodation!

When you move into a new place, you might not know anyone else, but one of the advantages of living in student accommodation is that you’ll have a roommate or co-tenant. Your roommate, co-tenants (and everyone else in your residence hall) will also be getting used to living in a new place. This means you’ll have someone to share that university journey with. Students often form close companionships with their roommates and the others in their corridors, but student events help you find and make new friends! So, if you’re worried that you’ll be alone with your university experience, here are tips on finding new friends in your student accommodation!



We all know that partying isn’t for everyone, so why not invite your housemates together for a themed evening? Suppose fajitas washed down with margaritas, followed by cool party games or an educational/ art-house film night. Everyone in your flat can help with the cooking or prep; no one gets left out! Themed events might also be hosted by your accommodation management, like coffee mornings. Keep posted on social activities where you can meet others in your building.



Joining a society is one of the best ways to connect and communicate with others through shared interests while loading your social calendar. No matter your interests, there are many clubs and organizations for you to join.



Applying and keeping a job may not sound like a social prospect, yet it can be one of the quickest ways to form friendships at university. Having a campus job means you’ll see colleagues and associates who will likely have a mutual curiosity daily. It’s also an incredible opportunity to expand your network in a certain institute or department, broadening your support and social circle. Many university jobs offer flexible working hours and understand how to work around a class schedule, guaranteeing that you can keep up with your studies while becoming more connected to the university.



Got a strong topic or subject you can help with? Many people need homework and project help, and you can likely provide them with the educational support they need and meet new friends while at it. Check out your university’s study groups and tutor programs and join wherever you think you can support and help.



If you’re feeling misplaced and alone on campus, becoming involved in the community is the best way to find your place. You can find volunteer opportunities in all types of volunteer groups. You also can seek out a local non-profit like a for-cause organization, animal shelter, food pantry, or


fundraising organization. Any of these will help you significantly influence the university community while connecting and meeting others passionate about a cause.



Whether it’s your university hall kitchen, open park or faculty building common space, try to sit in the communal areas. Staying alone in your room or in the library helps when you’re studying but not when you’re trying to make friends, so try to hang around in public areas and start a conversation.



After you meet and connect to a group, don’t shut yourself out from meeting a new set of people around you. Make sure you have companions from all different aspects of your university life. It’s always wonderful to have other friends to count on.


Therefore, stop worrying, and don’t rush or panic if you haven’t met your cool and amazing best friends; true friendship is a process that doesn’t instantaneously happen in a short period of time. Also, don’t compare yourself to others. Take that time to become a better person to find better friends yourself. Furthermore, whichever tips you decide to try your new home for the next few semesters will really change your life and help you meet new people.


Here at StudentFM, we organize monthly themed events at your student accommodation to help you make new friends when moving to a new home for the academic year! While we provide everything you need in student accommodation at the most affordable price! We’re committed to providing exceptional service from start to finish. Our tenants may be from all over the world, but they all have one thing in common – the desire to rent superior student accommodation and experience the higher standard of living that comes with it. In addition, we have friendly on-site staff who’re up for chatting throughout your stay. They’re here to make you feel welcome and safe.


We have student accommodation across the UK, offering a variety of flats to suit your needs. So, whether you’re after a studio apartment with exceptional amenities or fancy stepping out of your comfort zone and choosing a shared flat, there’s something for everyone to enjoy here. No matter your preferred location, building, and studio, here at StudentFM, we got everything you need at the most affordable price.

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